Winter Expedition of Lomonosov MSU Geographers Started Work in Central Asia

Участники экспедиции в Ташкенте. Фото: М.Макушин

The employees and students at the Department of Economic and Social Geography of Russia of the Faculty of Geography of Lomonosov Moscow State University have started expeditionary work in Central Asia. The expedition is carried out within the framework of the grant of the Russian Geographical Society "Post-Soviet space through the eyes of geographers: 30 years later".

The aim of the research is to study the modern transformations of the economy, as well as the role of the Russian language and Russian culture in Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan. The expedition route will pass through the cities of Osh, Andijan, Namangan, Chust and Kokand. There are also plans to visit Tashkent, Samarkand and Bukhara.

In December 2021, an expedition to Armenia took place as part of the project "Post-Soviet space through the eyes of geographers: 30 years later". In the course of the work, MSU’s geographers studied 12 cities and rural settlements.